Think of different ways to spend money
NaranKannan had 15 lakhs rupees of loan. He didn’t have any sources of income to repay the loan. He contacted me on telephone. As it...
Think of different ways to spend money
Help in finding misplaced items
Vision is getting reduced
Heal your body with Gem Remedies
Be in a place of financial abundance
A child had a twin in the form of a tumour
Fear of getting divorced
Irritable bowel syndrome
Stop your negative reactions
Light Lavender Pink Bougainvillea
Pool of Joy
Settling in a job
A miracle is ready to happen
1st is C-section, 2nd is Normal Delivery
Roles People Play
Exam results are great
Does karma theory says murderer can go scot free
Countless Help
TSH value reduced
Seek the Help of the Universe – Your Friend