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I was at Shridi on a Thursday (8th march).I was chanting GORSE as I wanted a good Dharshan during my Aarthi which I booked online.
But, I was disappointed as I was pushed to the corner behind a pillar and was unable to see my lord Hari.
That night I as dishearten and thought the Bach flower didn’t work.
Next day, an amazing experience took place. I got the opportunity to do the counting of the donations and as I wanted to count 100 rupee notes I was given the line of counting the same where I sat for more than three hours segregating the currency.
I also met likeminded people who shared the great Leelas of Sai Maharaj. I was also given the opportunity to walk up in the line where Iliterally had a long conversation with my Sai Maa.
The most amazing thing was I was at the Dwarkamaai where I said Baba I want to sit and meditate. This is quite difficult nowadays as the crowd is high and the security doesn’t allow.
But, as I went near to the Dwarkamaai the security opened the gate and turned around. I just slipped inside and sat closing my eyes and said no one is disturbing me till I open my eyes.
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