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Case histories - Knees, Legs, Left Shoulder

Writer's picture: Brilla ElsolBrilla Elsol

1.      A lady complaining of pain in her left knee came to meet Mr.Naran. She was not able to climb the stairs even. He asked her whether she has any conflict with her mother. She suddenly exploded and said “I hate my mother. I want to kill her”.  He asked her the reason and her reply was – Her father has three sons from his first wife and she is his daughter from the second wife. Her mother treats the  sons badly and she is not even allowing her to talk to her brothers. He advised her to forgive her mother one lac times and immediately she said she cannot do this. He told her that he is not telling her to do this but her body is conveying this message. We owe our existence on earth to our parents and it is therefore our duty to forgive our parents whatever may the provocation. If the forgiveness exercise is done, the pain will go off. Reluctantly she agreed and left. Next day she came back to me cheerfully and said that the pain is completely gone. She even danced with joy. 2.  One person came to Mr.Naran with pain in his right knee. He asked him whether he has any conflict with his father. His reply was – “no way. I like my father very much. He is highly spiritual. He will not eat non-vegetarian and he will not even drink others water. He is so pure.” His was running a hotel and he is also in the same business. While talking he said that recently he opened another hotel both vegetarian and non-vegetarian and from that day the pain in the right knee started. He advised him to close the non-vegetarian section of the hotel and have only vegetarian section for which, he said, he can’t do that as it is fetching him good income. Mr.Naran said if that is not closed the pain will continue to be there. Here we have to observe one thing. His father is highly spiritual and pure vegetarian. Though he did not tell his son not to open non-vegetarian hotel, the father’s energy is stored in the son’s mind and it is objecting to this non-vegetarian concept. Here the conflict of the father’s and son’s energy has created the pain in the Right Knee. 3.  A 65 year old man complained of pain in his left knee. When asked about his relationship with his mother, he said that they enjoyed a happy association. During the conversation he mentioned that that his father died years before. Normally pain in the left knee indicates problems with the mother but in cases where father is deceased it could also indicate problems with the father since the left side also relates to the past. So, he was asked about the relationship with his father and he told that there were no issues with the father either. Then he was asked to think and recollect whether any advice given by his father that he ignored or failed to do. The man thought over and said he could remember only one issue that his father on his death bed took his assurance to undertake a pilgrimage which he vowed and could not fulfill during his life time. This man had promised his father to do so but due to pressure of work he also forgot to fulfill the promise given to his father. He was advised to arrange for the pilgrimage to fulfill the promise made to his father. The man reluctant to undertake the journey as normal walking itself is a problem because of the pain. Finally he was convinced to undertake the journey. The man had great difficulty in boarding the train at Chennai station and to his astonishment he could find that the pain had considerably reduced on alighting at the temple town. After having the darshan and thereby fulfilling his father’s request the man was amazed to find that the pain had disappeared totally without even a trace of it.] 4.  A person came to meet Mr.Naran with pain in his left shoulder. While narrating his pain he said that he is not satisfied with the present job. He is not able to give 100% of his work in the present job. Sitting in the office he would apply for new job. Mr.Naran advised him to say the following affirmations “I choose to find ways to give 100% of the job” and “I stop resisting the present job”. It is needless to say that he is healed on chanting the above affirmations continuously. Here we must observe that if he is not giving his 100% in the present or resisting the present job on his own the body reminds him with pain in the left shoulder. If he is repeating the same mistake as his father was doing then the pain will be in Right Knee. For such pains the affirmations are “I stop resisting the present job unlike my father. I desist myself from the father in the present job.” 5.  A person approached Mr.Naran along with his mother, with pain in his left ankle. He is working in a firm, married with no issues so far, which is deliberately postponing. In the office he will not complete his work on time during office hours. After everybody leaves he will sit and do his work and go home late. During the course of the discussion he told that he was postponing the child. He was asked about his wife’s interest. He said she is interested in sex and child but he is not interested to have child now. He was advised by Naran that sex is the union of the female and male and interest of both to be considered and he cannot neglect his wife’s interest. He was asked about his father’s attitude towards sex. Immediate his mother replied that his father was also like. He was not having sex regularly due to silly reasons like today is Tuesday, today is amavasya, vratham etc. He was advised to consider his wife’s feelings also. He was postponing having the child thereby not giving importance to his wife’s feelings and emotions. He was repeating the mistake of the father in treating a female which has created the pain in the ankle. In both the cases both of them were not giving importance to other persons physiological needs. 6.  A man came to meet Mr.Naran with pain in the back of his leg from thigh, under the knee and back of calf muscle. He was asked whether he is repeating the same mistake again and again. He told that he has resigned the present job as he is not satisfied in the current job. Earlier also he did the same. He was in a job and in that he was not free to do his work. There was interference from his Boss. He did not like it and he resigned. During that time also he approached Mr.Naran to get a better job. During that time he had told Mr.Naran that even if he does not get a job he can mobilize money by selling some properties here and there and he can be on his business. But somehow he got the present job and he resigned this also as there is job satisfaction. Mr.Naran advised him that we will not give any medicine instead he should the exercise of chalk out the strategy first as to what he wants to do. What are the funds available with him, how money he can mobilize from the properties or otherwise. This exercise was advised because last time also he said the same thing and there was no commitment from his side and joined the present job. Body is giving a message that first find out what you want to do now for which what are the funds available. He sincerely abided by the instructions of Mr.Naran and did that exercise. The moment he committed to this his pain is gone. Further he telephoned Mr.Naran that he received Rs.9 lacs from the previous employer the moment he did this exercise. 7. A 27 year old woman who had been almost bed ridden for the past couple of years came to consult Mr.Naran. She had excruciating pain in  both knees and had to literally crawl to get any where. In fact even to come to see Mr.Naran she had to crawl painfully up the stairs. She had tried various treatments over the last year or so from allopath to ayurvedha with not any rilief. Believing that listening to spiritual discourses would take her mind off the pain, she had even joined a spiritual group to attend lectures on the Bhagavad Geeta. This did not help much either. She was referred to a pranic healer who did a few sessions and then put her to Mr.Naran. When Mr.Naran saw the woman’s condition he questioned her immediately about her relationship with her parents. The woman admitted that she had problems with both the parents.

Her mother was the second wife of her father. The first had sons before she passed away. The woman’s mother (the second wife) did not treat the sons born to the first wife well at all and was constantly picking them or belittling them. This angered the woman who enjoyed a good relationship with her half brothers. Over time she began to hate her mother. The father remained a mute spectator and did nothing to defend his sons from his wife’s onslaughts. She therefore developed a contempt for her weak and passive father who failed to assert himself when it was called for. On learning these facts, Mr.Naran explained to the woman that it was her attitude towards her parents that was the root cause for her knee problems. We owe our existence on earth to our parents and it is therefore our duty to forgive our parents whatever may be the provocation. The woman was in no frame of mind however to forgive her parents. Mr.Naran prescribed Rock Water, Hornbeam and Rescue Remedy for her stubbornness and intractability, and asked her to re consider his advice about forgiveness. A couple of days later, the woman expressed her willingness to do the forgiving exercise but on being informed that it had to be done for one lakh times, had second thoughts about taking on such a daunting task. Mr.Naran reassured her that it was not as impossible a task as she thought and asked her to start by doing the exercise for a thousand times a day. After about 3 days the woman called up Mr.Naran. She was ecstatic. She said that she felt as though she had shed a lot of old emotional baggage. She felt much lighter than even before. Mr.Naran realized that undertaking the forgiving exercise had started clearing the mental blocks that she had. All the various medicines that she had taken over the last year or so had failed to take effect because of these mental blocks. Now that the mental blocks were being cleared, accelerated healing would definitely take place. He advised the woman to continue the forgiving exercise. A week later the woman called to say that she was able to walk freely.  In fact, she came in person to thank Naran and showed how she freely she walked. She couldn’t find adequate words to express her joy and gratitude.


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