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Drowning in Debt

Writer's picture: Brilla ElsolBrilla Elsol

7hills I am drowning in debt. Already I bought money from my relatives and paying interest. Last month, I finished my daughter’s marriage by pledged my house document. I don’t know how I am going to settle these things. I gave my used jewels to my daughter. Some are broken too. Her mother-in-law is also angry with her. Kindly save my daughter’s life too. I am doing building construction. At present no business.

Naran Take the gem remedy BLUE SAPPHIRE pills for you. Chant “LALITHAM LAMBODARAM LALITHAM SADASHIVAM, LALITHAM CHANDRASEKARAM” for the sake of your daughter. For the pills contact

Explanation To restrict your debts and bring it down: Blue Sapphire Lalitham Lambodaram Lalitham Sadashivam, Lalitham Chandrasekaram helps to find peace and harmony in married life.

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