Life SituationsGem RemediesNervous weaknessEmerald and CoralExpansion of businessYellow Sapphire and CoralWin competitionYellow Sapphire and CoralLove pangsChicory and CoralInappropriate marriage: let us say a 50 year old guy wants to marry a 18 year old girl or vice versaCoral can helpTo restrict debts For any type of recurring obstaclesBlue SapphireCommon cold – if given regularly children will not get cold. Give these remedies after an attack of cold too.Ruby and PearlSon or daughter problem with mother, son to come into terms with you and if you want children to listen to youCan take Pearl or pray to moon and Yellow SapphireFrozen shouldersCoral and EmeraldGood digestionEmerald and RubyConstipationCoralAny dust allergyYellow SapphireSneezing and allergy coughWhite Chestnut, Walnut, Crab Apple and Yellow SapphireRunning noseSweet Chestnut, Walnut, Crab Apple and Yellow SapphireHyper active children restless – to keep them calm Blue Sapphire
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