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Writer's pictureBrilla Elsol

How to Use Power Life Symbol Cards

Laksh Sir, I have purchased power symbol cards but I don’t know how to use them. I badly need to use power symbol 64 to know loyalty of person.

Naran S Balakumar

First Method There are two circles. In the first circle, the symbol is there. In the second circle, which is united with the first symbol by an arrow, write the name of the person to be healed.

Second Method: Within the circle which contains the symbol, write your name.

Third Method You can keep the symbol under the pillow. In the day time, you can keep the symbol in the pocket or in the hand bag which you carry. Once or twice, see the symbol and follow the strokes of the symbol visually for 5 minutes. If you think you need 5 symbols for healing, take a copy of each symbol, paste it on a single sheet, and do as above.

Chakra healing with symbols If you know the positions of chakras, keep the symbol on each chakra, breathing deeply and slowly for 1 or 2 minutes on each chakra. If the switch words are available for the symbol (refer the manual) repeat the switch words while keeping the symbol on the chakras. If you want to keep the symbol on others’ chakras, take a copy of chakra pictures. Place the symbol on each chakra for two minutes. By placing your hand on the symbol, chant the relevant switch words.

Method to select the issue for healing You may think you want to heal five or six issues at the same time. The healing spectrum of healing symbols is so vast, that you may have confusion in selecting the issue to be healed. List out the issues – 5 or 4 – select the symbols. Write the issues one by one. Tell yourself that out of five you can heal only four. Then think and delete the one which can be healed on a later date. Write the issue separately in another column gives it the last number. Then repeat the same question. Out of four you can heal only 3. Eliminate it and send it to the next column as 4. Repeat the process, till you arrive to the last one. Read the second column, select the two which is numbered as 1 and 2.This is how you should prioritize.


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