Sit relaxedly.
Breathe in and breathe out slowly and steadily.
Mooladhara chakra rotating clockwise.
Swadhistana chakra rotating clockwise.
Manuipuraha chakra rotating clockwise.
Anahata chakra rotating clockwise.
Visuddhi chakra rotating clockwise.
Third eye chakra rotating clockwise.
Sahasrara chakra rotating clockwise.
All the chakras are rotating clockwise.
Shift your attention to Solar plexus, Manipuraha.
Breathe in and breathe out slowly focusing on the Manipuraha.
Shift your attention to back third eye, chant SHIVAYA NAMAH.
Immediately shift your attention to front third eye, chant SHIVAYA SHIVAYA.
Every time you chant
NAMASHIVAYA – focus on Solar plexus
SHIVAYA NAMAH – focus on back third eye
SHIVAYA SHIVA – focus on front third eye